3 rules to trust your offshore software development partner

Outsourcing offshore software development can be improved by the 3 rules: Share common interests, proper Customer Service, continuous communication
Software Requirements and 6 Thinking Hats

The use of techniques such as 6 Thinking Hats on software requirements can bring several advantages: scope, quality and creativity.
Custom software development solutions for UK startups

Your startup needs a custom software and don’t know how to optimize your company cash flow? Read about our custom software development solutions for you.
Cross-cultural leverage in offshore software development

How to leverage on cross-cultural differences in the context of an offshore software development project. 8 steps to cross-cultural integration.
3 email management techniques for offshore software development project – Avoiding Conflict Part #2

Avoid 3 dangers inherent to emails in an offshore software development project: immediacy, room for interpretation, crucial information storage.
Keys to avoiding conflicts in an offshore software development project – Part #1

First part of a series of articles on how to avoid conflicts in a offshore software development. Part 1 : Written Communication
Liemur opens Near-shore Design & Development Centre (DDC) in Budapest-Hungary

Liemur creates it own offshore software development center in Budapest with an original business model removing traditional risks associated with offshore.